A Guide To Applying For The HDB Intent To Sell

June 2024
Edric Ho
Writer, Editor & Data Geek

For owners of an HDB Flat, if you are considering to sell your HDB unit, the very first thing you need to do is to apply for an Intent To Sell.

The Intent to Sell allows you to check your eligibility to sell your flat. Once you have successfully registered the Intent To Sell, there is a waiting period of 7 days, after which you can issue an OTP (Option To Purchase) to a buyer.

Your Intent to Sell is valid for 12 months. It must be valid when you grant the OTP to the buyer(s) and when you submit the resale application.

If there is more than one owner for your flat, only one of you need to register on behalf of all the flat owners.

Flat sellers must register an Intent to Sell personally; salespersons cannot do it on their behalf.

Read More : Register Intent to Sell, HDB
Read More : Intent To Sell, HDB

See Also : Understanding The Resale HDB Processing Timeline



Logging In

First, login to the HDB My Flat Dashboard using the following link:


From the dropdown options, select "I am a seller"

My Flat Dashboard

and click on "Proceed"

Register Intent To Sell

Under "Register Intent To Sell", click on Register.



Filling In Seller's Particulars & Information

At the next page, there should already be some pre-populated information based on your login.

If there is more than 1 owner, check through and fill in all the required details.

At the "Next Housing" section, key in the details of the next housing unit that you are moving to.

At the last page, Review all the details before submitting, and your Intent To Sell is registered successfully.



The HDB Resale Processing Timeline

The next segment involves the process of selling your unit - for more information on that, head over to our other article :

Understanding The Resale HDB Processing Timeline

Hope the above was useful!

If you still need further assistance, drop us a note here.