Bukit Batok West Ave 8 EC eApplication

Qingjian and Santarli

Project Name : Altura EC
+65 6100 8108

The Bukit Batok West Ave 8 EC Land Plot
Will Be Developed As
Altura EC


Submit Your eApplication For
Bukit Batok West Ave 8 EC
(Project Name : Altura)

In order to purchase a unit at a new launch Executive Condominium, an eApplication is required.

Fill in your details below and we will be in touch to process your application!

EC eApplication Form

Register your Interest for Bukit Batok West Ave 8 Executive Condo Today

The Bukit Batok West Ave 8 Executive Condominium project is a highly anticipated land plot.

It is situated in the next residential zone of Bukit Batok/Gombak area, next to the developing Tengah Region. 

It is expected to have a high demand, especially since there are no EC projects within that region. 

An estimated timeline for the launch of this land plot: 
Land plot to be launched for developer sale in Dec 2021 
Land sale to be confirmed in Q2 2022
Project to be launched for public sales in Q3 2023 

Register Your Interest Today!

If you'd like to be the first to be updated when the land plot is launched, register with us today!
Registration: General Form

By submitting this form, you agree to be contacted by our appointed sales team and associates.

Bukit Batok West Ave 8 EC Showflat Location

The Bukit Batok West Ave 8 EC (Project Name Altura) Showflat is located along Bukit Batok West Ave 9.

Do note that showflat visits are by appointment, do make a booking via 61008108 before heading over!

Bukit Batok West Ave 8 EC Showflat LocationBukit Batok West Ave 8 EC Showflat

Press Release : 8 March 2022

The Housing & Development Board (HDB), as the Government’s land sales agent, launched the land parcel at Bukit Batok West Avenue 8 for tender on 23 December 2021.

The details of the land parcel are as follows:

Location Bukit Batok West Avenue 8
Proposed DevelopmentExecutive Condominium Housing
Site Area12,449.3 sq m
Maximum GFA37,348 sq m
Maximum Building Height60-70m Singapore Height Datum (SHD)
Estimated No. of Housing Units375*
Lease Term99 years
Project Completion Period60 months from the date of acceptance of tender

The tender closed at 12pm today with 9 bids received. The details of the provisional tender results are below:

S/NName of TendererTender Price ($)$psm/GFA ($)
1CNQC-OS (2) Pte. Ltd. and SNC Realty Pte. Ltd.$266,000,000.00 $7,122.20
2Intrepid Investments Pte. Ltd. and TID Residential Pte. Ltd.$253,888,000.00 $6,797.90
3Sing Holdings Residential Pte. Ltd., MCC Land (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. and Cedar Investments Pte. Ltd. $252,100,000.00 $6,750.03
4Four C Residence Pte Ltd., HST JV Pte Ltd. and Four Link Engineering Pte Ltd. $250,000,999.00 $6,693.83
5CSC Land Group (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.$249,248,600.64 $6,673.68
6Gamuda (Singapore) Pte Ltd and Evia Real Estate (9) Pte Ltd$245,688,999.00 $6,578.37
7Sim Lian Land Pte Ltd and Sim Lian Development Pte Ltd$245,500,000.00 $6,573.31
8Tarak Properties SG Pte. Ltd.$242,500,000.00 $6,492.98
9JBE (S) Pte. Ltd.$211,000,000.00 $5,649.57

A decision on the award of the tender will be made after the bids have been evaluated. This will be published at a later date.

Bukit Batok West Ave 8 and 5 EC

Bukit Batok West Ave 8 EC
Land Sales : Dec 2021
Public Sales : Est. June 2023
Number of Units: 375


Bukit Batok West Ave 5 EC
Land Sales : June 2022
Public Sales : Est. Dec 2023 / Jan 2024
Number of Units: 495


Tengah Garden Walk EC
Land Sold on: June 2021
Public Sales : Est. Q3 2022
Number of Units: 615


Press Coverage

23 Dec 2021, CNA, HDB launches tender for executive condominium site in Bukit Batok

The Housing and Development Board (HDB) on Thursday (Dec 23) launched a tender for an executive condominium site on Bukit Batok West Avenue 8.

The site, which can potentially yield about 375 units, was put up for sale under the Confirmed List of the Government Land Sales (GLS) Programme for the second half of this year, said HDB in a news release.

The area measures 12,449.3 sqm - about the size of nearly two football fields - and has a lease period of 99 years.

The tender will close at noon on Mar 8, 2022.


16 Dec 2021, URA Media Release

The Government today announced the Government Land Sales (GLS) Programme for the first half of 2022 (1H2022), which comprises five Confirmed List sites and eight Reserve List sites. These sites can yield about 6,500 private residential units, 90,000 sqm gross floor area (GFA) of commercial space and 530 hotel rooms (see Appendix 1 [PDF, 46kb]. & Appendix 2 [PDF, 8.9kb]).

The Confirmed List comprises five private residential sites [including one Executive Condominium (EC) site] which can yield about 2,785 private residential units (including 495 EC units). The Reserve List comprises five private residential sites (including one EC site), two White sites and one hotel site. These Reserve List sites can yield an additional 3,715 private residential units (including 700 EC units), 90,000 sqm GFA of commercial space and 530 hotel rooms. 

  1. The second half of 2021 (2H2021) GLS Programme comprises thirteen sites, of which four are on the Confirmed List and nine are on the Reserve List.
  2. To date, three of the Confirmed List sites have been launched for tender and the remaining Confirmed List site [i.e. Bukit Batok West Avenue 8 (EC)] will be launched in the later part of December 2021.
  3. A total of six residential sites, two White sites and one hotel site remain on the 2H2021 Reserve List and will be carried over to the first half of 2022 (1H2022) GLS Programme.

Bukit Batok West Ave 8 EC Launch Timeline

Estimated timeline for launch of Bukit Batok West Ave 8 EC :

  • Land plot to be launched for sale in Dec 2021 
  • Land sale to be confirmed in Q2 2022
  • Project to be launched for public sales in Q3 2023 


About Bukit Batok West Ave 8 EC

Location: Bukit Batok West Avenue 8
Proposed Development: Executive Condominium
Land Area: 12,449.3 sqm*
Maximum Gross Floor Area: 37,348 sqm
Lease Term: 99 years

*Site area subject to cadastral survey


On the 10 June 2021, the Singapore Government announced the Government Land Sales (GLS) Programme for the second half of 2021 (2H2021), and the acceptance of an application from a developer to put up the White site at Marina View for sale by public tender.

The GLS Programme for 2H2021 comprises four Confirmed List sites and nine Reserve List sites. These sites can yield about 6,860 private residential units, 90,000 sqm gross floor area (GFA) of commercial space and 530 hotel rooms.

The Confirmed List comprises four private residential sites, including the Bukit Batok West Ave 8 Executive Condominium (EC) site which can yield 375 EC units.


See Location on URA MapsSee Location on Maps

Bukit Batok West Ave 8 EC Technical Information


The Land Parcel at Bukit Batok West Avenue 8 (“the Land”) with a site area of 12,449.3* sqm shall be for Executive Condominium Housing Development (“the development”). The site area is the area measured up to the boundary lines.

Note: Executive Condominiums are non-landed housing developments that typically come with generous provision of communal and recreational facilities for the enjoyment of the residents.


The total GFA for the development shall not exceed 37,348 sqm but shall not be less than 33,614 sqm. Based on the site area of 12,449.3 sqm, the permissible Gross Plot Ratio (GPR) should not exceed 3.0*. The total GFA shall be computed in accordance with the Urban Redevelopment Authority’s (URA’s) Development Control Guidelines.


The Land Transport Authority (LTA) requires the Successful Tenderer to comply with the following requirements:

  1. The vehicular ingress / egress (the access) to the Land shall be taken directly from Bukit Batok West Avenue 8 and shall operate in a Left-In-Left-Out (LILO) arrangement. The access shall be located at about 100m away from the junction and 30m away from adjacent access.
  2. The Successful Tenderer shall study and construct a U-Turn facility at an appropriate location along Bukit Batok West Ave 8 catering minimally to vehicles with a restriction of 2500kg in unladen weight. The U-Turn facility shall be designed without requiring revisions to the Road Reserve Line and/or to the boundary of the development. The U-Turn facility shall comply with LTA’s Standard Design of Road Elements requirements, available at <Standard Details of Road Elements (SDRE) Chapter 9>. The location of the U-Turn facility shown on the Site Plan is only indicative. The actual position of the U-Turn facility is subject to confirmation by the agency managing Bukit Batok West Ave 8.



LTA requires the Successful Tenderer to comply with the following requirements:

  1. The Successful Tenderer shall, at his own cost and expense, construct a 1.5m wide footpath and 2m wide cycling path connection along Bukit Batok West Avenue 5, abutting the development boundary.
  2. The scope and details of the cycling path treatment are to be determined in consultation with LTA during the Development Control submission stage.
  3. The Successful Tenderer shall at his own cost and expense, widen the pedestrian crossing at the junction of Bukit Batok West Avenue 5 and Bukit Batok West Avenue 8 to 5m.
  4. The Successful Tenderer shall at his own cost and expense, construct a signalised pedestrian cum bicycle 6m mid block crossing along Bukit Batok West Avenue 5, abutting the southern side of the development boundary.


LTA requires the Successful Tenderer to comply with the following requirements:

  1. To future-proof new development sites in Singapore, the Successful Tenderer is required to have active and passive provision of EV charging points for the development.
  2. Active provision refers to charging points that are fully wired and ready for use by EVs. Passive provision refers to catering of sufficient electrical power at the consumer switch room(s) and/or substation(s) to allow more chargers to be installed and activated easily when demand increases in future. As a start, the Successful Tenderer is to ensure at least 15% of the total car-park lots can minimally support 3-Phase AC Type 2 chargers with power output of 7kW per charging point (i.e. passive provision), of which at least 1% must be installed with EV charging points (i.e. active provision). The detailed requirements are set out in Clause 3.0 of the Conditions and Requirements of Relevant Competent Authorities and Public Utility Licensees.

Bukit Batok West Ave 8 EC Location Plan

Bukit Batok West Ave 8 EC Control Plan

Regional Price Analysis 

The new Bukit Batok West Avenue 8 EC is to be launched in the next up and upcoming residential zone of Singapore, alongside new BTO projects like West Scape, West Hill, West Plains, and West Edge.

It is also next to the developing Tengah region, and within walking distance to the Tengah Plantation MRT Station, part of the Jurong Region Line. 

It is anticipated to be released to a high demand, as there has not been any Executive Condominium projects launched in that area for a very long time. 

A quick analysis of prices of some condominium projects within the vicinity of the Bukit Batok EC land plot, we have Guilin View, Hilltop Grove, Regent Heights and The Madeira hovering at below $1000psf, The Jade at about $1100psf and the newly launched Le Quest mixed development at around $1400psf. 

Bukit Batok West Ave 8 EC Street View

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School Proximity

Here's a 1km radius drawn around St Anthony's Primary School, to as best an accuracy as we can.

From this map, it looks like both Bukit Batok West Ave 8 and 5 ECs are within 1 km to St Anthony's Primary School.

However, it is best to wait for confirmation of the address of the development, before we can be certain that they are indeed within 1km.

Speak with us for more information!

Examining the Bukit Batok West Ave 8 EC Area

Taking a look at the URA Masterplan, the area marked out for the new Bukit Batok EC is a piece of land bounded by 2 upcoming BTOs: West Scape @ Bukit Batok to the North and West Hill @ Bukit Batok to the East. 

But that's not all there is to it. 

In the area surrounding the Bukit Batok West Ave 8 EC plot, there are a few things happening and will happen: 

  1. Bukit Batok West Ave 8 will be extended further North-East to connect to Bukit Batok West Ave 2 
  2. The land plot directly to the West of the EC plot is also marked residential, and will likely see another future residential development 
  3. The empty land to the South West of the EC plot is marked "E" for Education, meaning a future school will be constructed there 

See the Interpretation of the Master Plan Zoning

Bukit Batok West Ave 8 being extended to connect with Bukit Batok West Ave 2

Bukit Batok West Ave 8 extension in progress (taken 21 Oct 2022)

Facing North East:
An Aerial view of the location surrounding the Bukit Batok Batok West Ave 8 EC plot: West Scape, West Hill and the new School 

Facing North-West:
Another Aerial View showing the locations of the new school, the Future Residential development just beside Bukit Batok West Ave 8 EC, and into the distance, the up and coming Tengah residential area. 
