Tampines St 62 Parcel B EC

(Aurelle of Tampines)

Land Sold : 9 Oct 2023
Winning Developer : Sim Lian
Public Sales : Est Feb/Mar 2025


+65 6100 8108

Tampines St 62 Parcel B EC Will Be Developed As
Aurelle of Tampines

Launch Timeline for Tampines St 62 Parcel B EC

Register your Interest for Aurelle of Tampines EC!

Following the well-received land sale at Tampines St 62 Parcel A, this land plot at Parcel B is the next EC to launch in the up and coming Tampines North area. 

Parcel B offers a significant advantage that is not shared by most other ECs in the market today - it is located right beside an MRT Station - the future Tampines North Cross Island Line.

This land parcel will be developed under the project name Aurelle of Tampines.

Land plot sold Oct 2023
Very near to upcoming Tampines North MRT Station
Est Public Sales : Feb/Mar 2025

Register Your Interest Today!

If you'd like to be the first to be updated when the land plot is launched, register with us today!
Registration: General Form

By submitting this form, you agree to be contacted by our appointed sales team and associates.

Aurelle of Tampines Land Cost

Credit : EdgeProp

Aurelle of Tampines Location

Tampines St 62 Parcel B EC Location

Media Coverage

Final Tender Results for Land Parcel at Tampines Street 62 (PARCEL B) for Executive Condominium Housing Development

9 October 2023

The Housing & Development Board (HDB), as the Government’s land sales agent, launched the land parcel at Tampines Street 62 (Parcel B) for tender on 14 March 2023.

The details of the land parcel are as follows: 

LocationTampines Street 62 (Parcel B)
Proposed DevelopmentExecutive Condominium Housing
Site Area28,000.2 sqm
Maximum GFA70,001 sqm
Maximum Building Height64m Singapore Height Datum (SHD)
Estimated No. of Housing Units700*
Lease Term99 years
Project Completion Period60 months from the date of acceptance of tender

The site has been awarded to Sim Lian Land Pte Ltd and Sim Lian Development Pte Ltd at the tender price of $543,280,000 on 9 October 2023.

The details of the tender results are:

S/NTendererTender Bid
Tender Bid in PSF PPR
1Sim Lian Land Pte Ltd and Sim Lian
Development Pte Ltd
2Hoi Hup Realty Pte Ltd and Sunway
Developments Pte. Ltd. (Alternative Proposal)
3CSC Land Group (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.536,486,666.00712
4Forsea Residence Pte. Ltd, CNQC-OS (5) Pte.
Ltd. and SNC3 Realty Pte. Ltd
5Hoi Hup Realty Pte Ltd and Sunway
Developments Pte. Ltd.
6CDL Stellar Pte. Ltd.500,888,000.00664
7Grand Brilliance Property 3 Pte. Ltd.500,689,961.00664
8Intrepid Investments Pte. Ltd., TID Residential
Pte. Ltd. and Otto Projects Pte. Ltd.
(Alternative Proposal)
9Intrepid Investments Pte. Ltd., TID Residential
Pte. Ltd. and Otto Projects Pte. Ltd.

Media Coverage

Executive condo site in Tampines Street 62 sets price record

9 October 2023

An executive condominium (EC) site in Tampines Street 62 has set a new price record.

The tender for the site has been awarded to Sim Lian Land and Sim Lian Development at $543 million, or $721 per sq ft per plot ratio (psf ppr), said the Housing Board on Monday.

This is higher than the previous record land rate of $703 psf ppr for an EC site in Plantation Close in Tengah, awarded in September, said Mr Nicholas Mak, chief research officer of property search portal Mogul.sg.



Media Coverage

Sim Lian bags Tampines site for S$543 million at record EC land rate

9 October 2023

A SIM Lian group joint venture has bagged an executive condominium (EC) site in Tampines for S$543.28 million.

This translates to S$721 per square foot per plot ratio (psf ppr) rate for the plot.

Sim Lian’s winning bid was about 2.5 per cent higher than the S$703 psf ppr paid for an EC site in Plantation Close, which was awarded last month to Hoi Hup Realty and Sunway Developments. The Plantation Close tender had marked a new high for EC land sales, with nine bidders jumping in.



Media Coverage

URA and HDB release sale sites at Jalan Tembusu and Tampines Street 62 (Parcel B)

14 March 2023

These form part of the increased supply of housing under the Government Land Sales Programme for 1H2023 to cater to demand
The two Confirmed List sites will yield a total of 1,540 residential units, with more launching in the coming months

The Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) and the Housing & Development Board (HDB) released two sites at Jalan Tembusu and Tampines Street 62 (Parcel B) for sale today under the first half 2023 (1H2023) Government Land Sales (GLS) Programme.

The URA site at Jalan Tembusu and HDB Executive Condominium site at Tampines Street 62 (Parcel B) are launched for sale under the Confirmed List. Together, these two sites can yield about 1,540 residential units. These form part of the 4,090 residential units1 to be made available via the Confirmed List of the 1H2023 GLS programme, which represents a 17% increase from the 3,505 units made available in 2H2022. 

To encourage the adoption of innovative construction technologies and productive construction methods, the modified concept and price revenue tender approach2 will be used for the tender of the Executive Condominium site at Tampines Street 62 (Parcel B).


1 The total supply of 4,090 residential units will bring the total pipeline supply of private housing (including ECs) to about 61,000 units, comprising 51,700 units with planning approval and 9,300 units from GLS sites and awarded en-bloc sites that have not been granted planning approval yet.

2 Tenderers have the option to submit an alternative bid on top of a base Prefabricated Prefinished Volumetric Construction (PPVC) bid. The alternative bid may be of a non-PPVC technology or a hybrid of technologies which could yield the specified productivity improvement. PPVC bids will automatically qualify for the tender evaluation, while any alternative bid will need to be accompanied by a write-up to demonstrate the feasibility of proposal.

Media Coverage

Tampines executive condominium site, Jalan Tembusu plot up for sale

14 March 2023

THE Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) and Housing and Development Board (HDB) on Tuesday (Mar 14) released two residential land plots for sale. Both sites fall under the confirmed list in the first half 2023 government land sales programme.

One plot is located at Jalan Tembusu near the Tanjong Katong area, while the other is an executive condominium (EC) site at Tampines Street 62. Together, they may yield around 1,540 residential units, URA and HDB said in a press statement.

Developers will likely exercise more caution when bidding for the Jalan Tembusu plot, noted property analysts from PropNex and JLL.

The tender for both parcels will close at 12 pm on Jul 18.


BT Jalan Tembusu Tampines St 62 Parcel B

Media Coverage

Release of second half of 2022 Government Land Sales (GLS) Programme

7 June 2022

The Government today announced the Government Land Sales (GLS) Programme for the second half of 2022 (2H2022), which comprises six Confirmed List sites and eight Reserve List sites. These sites can yield about 7,310 private residential units, 94,750 sqm gross floor area (GFA) of commercial space and 530 hotel rooms.

The list includes the land plot at Tampines St 62 Parcel B, placed under the Reserve List. 

Upcoming Developments in Tampines North Area 

Tampines North is the next up and coming residential estate, in addition to 2 EC land plots being announced (Tampines St 62 Parcel A , Tampines St 62 Parcel B), the government on 7 June 2022 announced a 5.07ha mixed-use mega site at Tampines Ave 11. 

This new site can potentially yield 1,190 residential units and 14,000 sq m of commercial space, and the site will become a significant development in the Tampines North area. 

Tampines Ave 11 Mega Site

Land Pending Sale to Developer
Residential Units : Est 1,190
Commercial Space: 14,000 sqm

Tampines St 62 (Parcel A) EC

Land Sold : August 2021
Developer : Qingjian & Santarli 
Residential Units : Est 590 
Public Launch : Est Q4 2022

Tampines St 62 (Parcel B) EC

Land Pending Sale to Developer
Residential Units : Est 700

See location on URA Maps

Taken May 2022 : Tampines St 62 Parcel B land plot still for sale

Tampines North Bus Interchange

Taken May 2022: Bus interchange at Tampines North still in progress

Tampines North HDB BTO

Taken May 2022: HDB BTO at Tampines North construction in progress

Tampines St 62 Parcel B GLS Land Plot Street View

About Tampines St 62 (Parcel B) (EC)

Location: Tampines Street 62 (Parcel B)
Proposed Development: Executive Condominium
Land Area: 28,000.2 sqm
Maximum Gross Floor Area: 70,001 sqm
Minimum Gross Floor Area: 63,001 sqm
Project Completion Period: 60 months from the date of acceptance of tender
Lease Term: 99 years

Tampines Street 62 Parcel B Land Plot Map


About Tampines Street 62 EC Land Plot 

The Land Parcel at Tampines Street 62 (Parcel B) (“the Land”) with a site area of 28,000.2 sqm shall be for Executive Condominium Housing Development (“the development”). The site area is the area measured up to the boundary lines as shown on the Certified Plan No. 91211.

Executive Condominiums are non-landed housing developments that typically come with
generous provision of communal and recreational facilities for the enjoyment of the residents.


The total GFA for the development shall not exceed 70,001 sqm but shall not be less than 63,001sqm. Based on the site area of 28,000.2 sqm, the permissible Gross Plot Ratio (GPR) should not exceed 2.5*. The total GFA shall be computed in accordance with the Urban Redevelopment Authority’s (URA’s) Development Control Guidelines.


The Successful Tenderer shall provide parking lots for the development in accordance with the full physical parking requirements of the prevailing Parking Places (Provision of Parking Places and Parking Lots) Rules. Basement carparks shall have a setback from the boundaries according to URA’s guidelines.
The design of the parking place shall include adequate spaces for vehicles to carry out furniture delivery or house-moving activities. The Successful Tenderer is strongly encouraged to provide parking lots for motorcycles within the layout of the carpark.


The bin centre shall be sensitively located within the Land such that it does not become a nuisance to residents in the surrounding developments. The entrance of the bin centre shall face inwards within the development.
The Successful Tenderer shall ensure that the bin centre and its entrance area, including any
parking space for refuse trucks, are located away from any adjacent landed housing estate (if any).
The service driveway for the bin centre is to be integrated within the Land and the length of the service driveway must be able to accommodate all service vehicles.
Lush planting and / or screening shall be provided to screen the bin centre and service areas from view of the residents in the adjacent landed houses (if any), and users of the surrounding public roads and walkways.


LTA requires the Successful Tenderer to comply with the following requirements:

  1. To future-proof new development sites in Singapore, the Successful Tenderer is required
    to have active and passive provision of EV charging points for the development.
  2. Active provision refers to charging points that are fully wired and ready for use by EVs.
    Passive provision refers to catering of sufficient electrical power at the consumer switch
    room(s) and/or substation(s) to allow more chargers to be installed and activated easily
    when demand increases in future. As a start, the Successful Tenderer is to ensure at
    least 15% of the total car-park lots can minimally support 3-Phase AC Type 2 chargers
    with power output of 7kW per charging point (i.e. passive provision), of which at least 1%
    must be installed with EV charging points (i.e. active provision). The detailed
    requirements are set out in Clause 3.0 of the Conditions and Requirements of Relevant
    Competent Authorities and Public Utility Licensees.
  3. For active provision, the Successful Tenderer shall indicate the location, number and
    type of chargers to be installed for LTA’s approval at the plan submission stage. At the
    CSC stage, LTA will verify that the minimum active provision as approved have been
    made and are ready for use by EVs. For passive provision, the Successful Tenderer
    shall submit a declaration (with supporting documents) to LTA at the plan submission
    stage on the following using the submission template in Appendix D (I):
    • Total number of lots with active and passive provision, and total number of lots.
    • Total electrical load required for lots with active and passive provision.
    • Electrical load required from the rest of the development.
    • Approved total electrical load from SPPG.