4 Dec 2023

Guidelines For Serviced Apartments II (SA2)

Circular No : URA/PB/2023/11-DCG
Who Should Know:
Building owners, developers, and architects
Effective Date:
With effect from 4 December 2023
  1. As part of its continuous efforts to cater to diverse housing needs, the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) has consulted the industry extensively and will pilot a new Serviced Apartments II (SA2) housing typology, also known as Long-stay Serviced Apartments. Similar to the existing Serviced Apartments (SA), SA2 is intended as a form of rental accommodation, but for longer-term stay beyond the current minimum of seven days for existing SA. Piloting SA2 will expand the range of housing options available in meeting the demand for rental housing from Singaporeans and those coming to work or study here.

  2. SA2 will be subject to the following set of guidelines (see Appendix for details).

    1. Minimum Stay Duration

      SA2 units shall be rented out for lodging purposes for a minimum period of three months, similar to residential developments. This is to ensure that SA2 can better meet the needs of tenants who require a longer stay duration.

    2. Locational Criteria

      Given the longer minimum stay duration of three months, SA2 occupants will be less transient in nature. SA2 can therefore be allowed in more locations compared to existing SA (see Appendix).

    3. Unit Configuration

      As part of this pilot, we will also give SA2 developers / operators flexibility to experiment with new concepts. SA2 can comprise a mixture of unit sizes, as long as there is a minimum average unit size of 35sqm (nett). Flexibility is also given in terms of unit layouts – these need not be self-contained with the full suite of living / dining / kitchen amenities, but units should minimally be en-suite (i.e. with attached bathroom). Nonetheless, developers / operators should ensure that these units can still serve as quality and meaningful living spaces for tenants.

    4. No Strata Subdivision
      SA2 are expected to be owned en-bloc and operated by a single operator, similar to SA.

  3. Applicants who wish to propose SA2 can submit an Outline Application to URA to determine the suitability of their site. Depending on site context, URA may in some cases approve SA2 proposals only on Temporary Permission, to better allow agencies to monitor the pilot and impact to surrounding uses.


  4. These guidelines will take effect from 4 December 2023 and will apply to all new applications submitted on or after that date.

  5. To kickstart the implementation of the pilot, URA has launched for tender two Government Land Sales (GLS) sites at Upper Thomson Road (See: Upper Thomson Road Parcel A) and Zion Road with a minimum SA2 quantum requirement. Interested tenderers are advised to refer to the respective tender documents for the specific SA2 requirements for these two sites, which take into consideration the planning intention for the area.

Appendix: Summary of guidelines for Serviced Apartments and Serviced Apartments II

ParametersServiced Apartments (SA)Serviced Apartments II (SA2)
Minimum Stay DurationSeven daysThree months
Locational Criteria• Sites zoned for Residential use or within the Residential use quantum of mixed-use developments.

• Located within mixed-use areas. If site is within a Residential area, it should front a Category 1, 2, or 3 road.

• SA are not allowed in areas where there are already disamenities in the surroundings (examples of existing areas where hotels/backpacker hostels/serviced apartments cannot be allowed are linked)

• SA are not allowed in designated landed housing areas or areas where it may pose disamenity to the surroundings.
• Sites zoned for Residential use or within the Residential use quantum of mixed-use developments.

• Located within mixed-use areas. If site is within a Residential area, it should front a Category 1, 2, 3 or 4 road.

• SA2 can be allowed within the existing areas where hotels/backpacker hostels/serviced apartments cannot be allowed (link), except the Upper Circular Road streetblock.

• SA2 are not allowed in designated landed housing areas or areas where it may pose disamenity to the surroundings.
Layout/ Unit size• Minimum unit size of 35sqm (nett)

• Self-contained apartments with kitchenettes/ kitchens.
• A mixture of unit sizes can be allowed, as long as they achieve a minimum average of 35sqm.

• Individual SA2 units need not be self-contained apartments, but should minimally be en-suite (i.e. with attached bathroom).
Strata SubdivisionNot AllowedNot Allowed

Serviced Apartments

Serviced Apartments (SA) are self-contained apartments with kitchenettes/kitchens, and typically provide support services such as concierge, common dining areas, housekeeping and/or laundry for the residents.

SA units shall meet a minimum unit size of 35 sqm (nett). For proposals with design merits or specific concepts, URA would consider applying the 35 sqm minimum unit size based on the global average of self-contained units (with kitchenette and toilet) and covered communal facilities exclusively for SA tenants’ use1.

SA shall be rented out for lodging purposes for a minimum period of 7 days or longer, and shall be developed and/or managed under one ownership. Strata subdivision of SA is strictly not allowed.

Support services such as concierge, housekeeping and/or laundry provided for the residents of Serviced Apartments may be allowed. In addition, limited bar/lounge facilities may be permitted, subject to a maximum of 0.3% of the total residential GFA.

SA may be allowed in Residential zone and may also be considered on mixed-use sites where residential uses are allowed.

The following areas would generally be excluded from being considered as covered communal facilities exclusively for co-living tenants’ use:
  • Public areas or facilities not exclusive to co-living tenants (e.g. communal areas that double as public cafes, public co-working offices)
  • Functional and circulation spaces (e.g. concierge/check-in areas, back-of-house, corridors)
  • Open-to-sky areas (e.g. open roof terraces)

SA within Residential zones (incl. mixed use sites with a residential component)

Applicants may submit an Outline Application to URA to determine the suitability of the location, the Gross Plot Ratio (GPR) control and the storey height for a proposed SA.

SA may be allowed where the site fronts a major or arterial road (ie Category 1, 2, 3 roads or equivalent) at the fringe of a residential area; or the site is located in a mixed-use area (eg commercial centres, business parks, or abutting medical hubs).

SA shall not be allowed within the designated Landed Housing Areas; areas where SA may potentially cause dis-amenities to the neighbouring residents; and areas where there are already dis-amenities in the surroundings (examples of such areas can be found under the Hotels Handbook).



SA within mixed-use areas

SA may be considered in mixed-use areas and are not restricted by the category of roads fronting the site.