Lentor Gardens

Residential Land Plot

Project Name : Lentor Mansion

Land Sold 13 Apr 2023

Developer : Guocoland and Intrepid


+65 6100 8108

The Lentor Gardens GLS Land Plot
will be redeveloped as
Lentor Mansion

Est. 530

Register Interest for Lentor Gardens

This Lentor Gardens plot is one of a few land plots up for tender in the up and coming Lentor area.

Enjoying the luxury of being situated in a quiet residential enclave and in close proximity to an MRT station, this plot provides more opportunities for investors looking out for the next growth region. 

Close to Lentor MRT for utmost convenience
First mover advantage: more land parcels coming up
Land opening for Developer Sales in Oct 2022

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Lentor Gardens Land Sale Information

Credit : EdgeProp

Press Coverage

Award of tender for URA sale site at Lentor Gardens

13 April 2023

The Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) has awarded the tender for the site at Lentor Gardens to the sole tenderer, GuocoLand (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. and Intrepid Investments Pte. Ltd.

The site at Lentor Gardens was launched for tender on 31 October 2022. The tender for the site closed on 4 April 2023. The site was offered for sale on a 99-year lease term.

Details of the awarded site and the successful tenderer are provided below:

($PSM of GFA)
Lentor Gardens Residential 21,866.7 m²45,921 m²GuocoLand (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. and Intrepid Investments Pte. Ltd.$486,800,222

Press Coverage

Release of second half of 2022 Government Land Sales (GLS) Programme

7 June 2022

The Government today announced the Government Land Sales (GLS) Programme for the second half of 2022 (2H2022), which comprises six Confirmed List sites and eight Reserve List sites. These sites can yield about 7,310 private residential units, 94,750 sqm gross floor area (GFA) of commercial space and 530 hotel rooms.

The list includes the land plot at Lentor Gardens, with a launch date set as Oct 2022 for sale to Developers.

Press Coverage

URA releases sale sites at Lentor Central, Lentor Gardens and Lentor Hills Road (Parcel B)

17 May 2022 

The Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) has released three residential sites at Lentor Central, Lentor Gardens and Lentor Hills Road (Parcel B) for sale today under the first half 2022 (1H2022) Government Land Sales (GLS) Programme.

The residential sites at Lentor Central and Lentor Hills Road (Parcel B) are launched for sale by public tender under the Confirmed List while the residential site at Lentor Gardens is available for application under the Reserve List. Together, these three sites can yield about 1,265 residential units.

Land Parcel Details - Lentor Central, Lentor Gardens, Lentor Hills Road Parcel B

Lentor Gardens Street View

About Lentor Gardens

ST Lentor GLS Land PlotsLentor Gardens Aerial View

Good Accessibility

The land parcel is located within the new Lentor Hills Estate which is envisioned as a sustainable and pedestrian-friendly neighbourhood amidst lush greenery.

Located in close proximity to the new Lentor MRT Station on the Thomson-East Coast Line, future residents will enjoy direct access via public transport to Woodlands Regional Centre, the Central Business District and various parts of Singapore.

Proximity to Schools, Future Amenities and Park Spaces

Established schools such as Presbyterian High School, Anderson Primary School, and CHIJ St Nicholas Girls’ School are located nearby.

Future residents can look forward to retail options, a supermarket and childcare facilities located within the upcoming mixed-use development at Lentor Modern and enjoy lush greenery and recreation choices at the future hillock and linear parks nearby.

Lentor Gardens MapLocation Mockup Lentor Central, Lentor Gardens, Lentor Hills Road Parcel B

Artist’s impression of Lentor Hills Estate (aerial perspective)

hillock park

Artist’s impression of future Hillock Park
(Concept for Hillock Park under development with NParks)


Land Parcel Details

LocationLentor Gardens
Site Area21,866.7 m2
Allowable DevelopmentResidential
Maximum Gross Floor Area45,921 m2
Maximum Building Height (1)Low-rise zone
8 storeys

Mid-rise zone
16 storeys

Technical height
120 m SHD
Project Completion Period (2)60 months
Lease Period99 years

(1) Building height is based on Singapore Height Datum (SHD).
(2) Computed from the date of acceptance of the tender by the Authority up to date of issue of Temporary Occupation Permit for the whole of the proposed development.

Technical Conditions of Tender

Planning Concept

The Land Parcel is part of the new Lentor Hills Estate, which is set within a predominantly private housing area in Ang Mo Kio Planning Area. Lentor Hills Estate is bordered by Lentor Estate to the north, Teachers’ Housing Estate to the south, Sindo Industrial Estate to the west and a mix of private and public housing to the east.

The Land Parcel is designated for private housing development. It will be connected to Lentor MRT station on the Thomson-East Coast Line by covered linkways. The Land Parcel is in proximity to the future Lentor Modern. It is also well connected to major arterial roads and expressways such as the upcoming North-South Corridor (NSC), and within easy reach to recreational facilities such as Thomson Nature Park, Yio Chu Kang Stadium & Sports Complex, and educational institutions such as Presbyterian High School, Anderson Primary School, and CHIJ St Nicholas Girls’.


Lentor Hills Estate is envisioned as a pedestrian-friendly neighbourhood set amidst lush greenery with good connectivity to public transport. It is intended to provide a mix of high-rise, medium-rise and landed housing options, as well as new amenities, such as retail options and a supermarket. Existing greenery on the site has been retained and will be developed into a hillock park to serve the neighbourhood.

The proposed development on the Land Parcel is envisioned to be well integrated with the greenery of the future Hillock Park and the green fingers extending from the park. It shall be lushly landscaped to enhance the overall sense of greenery in the area and include an attractive living environment that promotes an active lifestyle.

The Successful Tenderer is expected to build upon the unique context of the Land Parcel and employ innovative building typologies of appropriate form and scale in the proposed development that responds sensitively to existing developments (e.g. landed homes), the future Hillock Park, Lentor MRT Station, and the future Lentor Modern.

Land Use and Quantum

The Land Parcel is to be developed for Residential development. The maximum permissible Gross Floor Area (GFA) for the proposed development is 45,921 m 2 and the total GFA to be built is not to be less than 41,329 m2 .

All tenderers are advised to carry out their own simulation studies to ascertain the achievable GFA for the proposed development, including bonus GFA under the prevailing Development Control Guidelines, if the proposed development is eligible for it. Such simulation studies should take into account all relevant considerations including the building height controls and existing ground conditions of the Land Parcel as well as the possible need to provide basements.

Early Childhood Development Centre (ECDC) Facility

The Successful Tenderer is required to provide an Early Childhood Development Centre 1 (ECDC) within the proposed development. The ECDC shall occupy a minimum GFA of 600 m 2 and shall be computed as part of the permissible GFA for the proposed development. The ECDC is expected to accommodate up to 120 children.

The ECDC is required to be retained and operated for a minimum of 10 years from the date of the grant of licence for the ECDC. The ECDC shall not be strata subdivided and shall form part of the common property of the future residential development.

Building Setback

The proposed development shall comply with a minimum building setback of 7.5m, including a green buffer of 3.0m, along Lentor Gardens and Lentor Hills Road, as shown on the Control Plan. To extend the sense of greenery from the future Hillock Park to the street level and create attractive walkable streets within the Lentor Hills Estate, the boundary fence of the proposed development along Lentor Gardens and Lentor Hills Road is to be constructed or erected along the green buffer line such that the green buffer is externalized and the planting within the green buffer screens off the boundary fence as viewed from Lentor Gardens and Lentor Hills Road.

The proposed development shall comply with a minimum building setback of 10.0m, including a planting strip of 2.0m, along the future Hillock Park and the green fingers, as shown on the Control Plan.

The building setback areas are encouraged to be landscaped to contribute to the greenery in the area, particularly those fronting Hillock Park, future green fingers and Lentor Gardens / Lentor Hills Road. No building structures, including basement protrusions, ancillary structures and PES (including covers) shall be within the building setback areas. Only small scale structures forming part of the landscaping, such as pavilions, seating, water features and playgrounds, can be permitted within the building setback areas outside of the green buffer / planting strip. Service areas and structures are to be located outside the building setback area.

Parking Provision

Electric Vehicles (EV) Charging Infrastructure Provision

To future-proof new development sites in Singapore, the Successful Tenderer shall have active and passive provision for EV charging points for the proposed development as set out in Section 7.0 of the Conditions and Requirements of Relevant Competent Authorities and Public Utility Licensees.

Lentor Gardens Technical Tender Map

